Then we headed out to celebrate Seth's 30th Birthday that same night. Riley really appreciated the mustache theme that Gazell thought of. He looks like a baby Daniel Day Lewis during Gangs of New York. Turns out Riley might be a night party person since he behaved much better at this party.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A little vacay in Little Rock to see some old friends and get ready for Thanksgiving. First, Laura threw Riley and me a baby shower. Then we hit up Seth's birthday party, and had some Thanksgiving fun. We were able to have a nice size Thanksgiving because Brian's parents came to spend the holiday with us and then help us move out to Boulder, CO.
Thank you Target for carrying some sweet baby urban clothes. It's hard to see but Riley is trying to show you his t-shirt labeling him as a Pink Floyd fan just like his Daddy. His cousin Melvin donated a sweet hat and some baby Vans to make his outfit complete. While he didn't act too happy during the shower we sure appreciated seeing everyone and all the awesome gifts.

Then we headed out to celebrate Seth's 30th Birthday that same night. Riley really appreciated the mustache theme that Gazell thought of. He looks like a baby Daniel Day Lewis during Gangs of New York. Turns out Riley might be a night party person since he behaved much better at this party.
Then we headed out to celebrate Seth's 30th Birthday that same night. Riley really appreciated the mustache theme that Gazell thought of. He looks like a baby Daniel Day Lewis during Gangs of New York. Turns out Riley might be a night party person since he behaved much better at this party.
We continued our road trip before Thanksgiving from Jacksonville to Mississippi. We have some friends that live in the state and offered us some breaks so we didn't have to make the torturous 15 hour drive in one day. We spent the night in Hattiesburg where Dee Dee and Franz just moved this fall. Then the next day we headed to Little Rock, stopping to have lunch with Rachel and Benji before leaving the great MS. Then, FINALLY, onto Little Rock for a couple weeks before heading to Boulder,CO.

A little cozy time with Dee Dee. The bug eye look is only because we kept flashing the camera in his face when he is trying to hang out with Dee Dee.
Checking out Franz and wondering when he can play video games with the big kids.
Thanking Rachel for his books that Benji and her gave him. 2 classics: Where the Wild Things Are and The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Like Rachel said, it looks like they are scheming something.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Weekend in Florida
After getting to stay with Grandma and then seeing family in North Carolina it was time to start the road trip to Little Rock to see my family for Thanksgiving. First we stopped to see Brian's Aunt, Uncle and cousins.

We thought it would be a great idea to have a break in Savannah, GA. While Riley looks really happy here, he screamed for the last 2 hours of the road trip to Jacksonville. Oh joy!
Brian's cousin, Ricky, and his wife Audrey getting some practice with Riley. They are expecting their first little boy in the spring.
Brian and Riley's titanic moment
They even got some dolphins to ride by them for a complete Titanic experience.
Thanks Aunt Eileen for a great time in Florida (despite the tick fiasco) :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Meeting the Great-Grandparents
After getting to hang out at grandma's house for awhile we took Riley on a major road trip from Raleigh to the east side of NC, to TN, then to Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas and finally to Colorado. Our first stop was to meet the Great-Grandparents in Hendersonville, NC and Kingston, TN. We were a little worried with him hating the car seat and all, but turns out highway time is WAY different than city driving. Put that kid right to sleep. So here are some pics on the beginnings of our road trip.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Costume
Riley's first Halloween and I decided to do something original and sew a Grim Reaper costume for him. Something I thought would be easy turned out to be tedious and late nights for me (and Grandma). Of course I decided to try it 3 days before, you know me, last minute or nothing at all. Babies are always cutesie on Halloween, so why not make him dark and scary. Turns out a baby as the Grim Reaper is still cute and hilarious.

Holding his scythe like a big boy Grim Reaper
Contemplating who his next victim will be
Costume malfunction
Monday, October 12, 2009
Back in the States
Riley and I have made it back home and are staying with Brian's parents until he comes back at the end of this month. Riley did amazing on the trip home. All my worry for nothing. We even got delayed and it ended up being 22 hours of travel time and he was a trooper. I didn't get to sleep, but hey, a well-behaved baby is worth it! He even seems to have adjusted to the time difference without any problems. I like to think he gets that from me. I usually don't get jet lag, thankfully. Grandma did convince me to take Riley with his cousin, Shaelyn, to get some pictures taken. 2 months old and this kid already got some professional pictures, unbelievable. Shaelyn did great, Riley put up with it for about 20 minutes and that was that. Here are the proofs, and the last picture sums up the end of the photo shoot. Apparently I am the only one who loves that pic.

Nice close up with the best baby hat
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Go Hogs!
In honor of Aunt Laura's birthday and Razorback football this weekend, Riley makes his debut in his very own Razorback outfit courtesy of Ryan! Hope you guys have a great time.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Riley Smiling
Here is a video with Riley learning to smile and kinda laugh at 6 weeks old. It is a little long because my editing program was not working, and please excuse the baby talk from me. I wanted to dub music over my voice, but again the software was not cooperating.
Friday, August 21, 2009
3 weeks and still going strong
At some point I need to post pics from our Rome trip and Brian's trip to Amsterdam (pre-Riley), but that will take some time. For now I will post some new pics of Riley until I can sit down and sort through old pictures. We are in the final months here in Prague and can't wait to come home to the US!

I borrowed some things from a friend at work, and this was an old school swaddling blanket. Pretty much looks like a straight-jacket for babies with some lace at the top. Riley was not impressed.

One night after feeding Riley I put him on the bed and went to the bathroom. I come out to find Brian and Riley asleep in the exact same position: like father, like son.

Brian thought the orange jumpsuit looked like a prison outfit for Riley. Our newest show? We just finished season 1 of Prison Break.

We had to take Riley to the US Embassy this week to get his birth certificate, SS card, and his first passport. We tried to take some passport photos at home, but we couldn't get those hands down. 3 week old babies are not very compliant to the passport photo instructions. The funny thing is his passport will be valid for 5 years with a picture of him from 3 weeks old.
I borrowed some things from a friend at work, and this was an old school swaddling blanket. Pretty much looks like a straight-jacket for babies with some lace at the top. Riley was not impressed.
One night after feeding Riley I put him on the bed and went to the bathroom. I come out to find Brian and Riley asleep in the exact same position: like father, like son.
Brian thought the orange jumpsuit looked like a prison outfit for Riley. Our newest show? We just finished season 1 of Prison Break.
Riley checking out Elliot. On a side note, Oliver just went home with my dad and sister today. I am going to miss that crazy cat!
We had to take Riley to the US Embassy this week to get his birth certificate, SS card, and his first passport. We tried to take some passport photos at home, but we couldn't get those hands down. 3 week old babies are not very compliant to the passport photo instructions. The funny thing is his passport will be valid for 5 years with a picture of him from 3 weeks old.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Riley Keith Stepp finally arrives
Well, finally after being 10 days late, I went in to be induced and Riley Keith Stepp was born. He was born on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 3pm. He weighed in at 9lbs 1 oz, and was 21 inches long. So much for me having a 7 1/2 lb baby! Here are some pics before and after the big event.

Our last night out with Brian's mom and her friend Fran. We were lucky and they flew all the way over to help out! Even took us to dinner the night before!
Riley's first day
Group photo of the new Stepp brood
Historical birthplace: Apolinar Hospital in Prague, built in 1784. Really beautiful, but also ancient inside (no A/C! luckily it wasn't that hot here)
Uh, oh. Why don't you like the Razorback pacifier?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
My due date was on Monday, July 20. That day has come and gone and still no baby. Ah the joys of being late. Brian's mom is coming to see the baby (that isn't here) on Tuesday. Let's hope he tries to make an appearance before then, but I am slowly losing hope. I am getting all kinds of advice on how to start labor. I think the best one was pressure on the pinky toes. Let's just say that trying to tell him to come out isn't working either. So here I wait at home, and another doctor's visit is tomorrow. I don't get an appointment, I have to go early and sit with all these other pregnant women waiting to get fetal monitoring and then see the doctor. My average time for this? About 3-3.5 hours. Now that I am overdue I get to go every 3 days, oh the joys of life.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
39 weeks and the countdown begins...
The final preggo picture for all of you who wish you were here to point and laugh at me (walking normal is a bit difficult these days). I am due July 20, apparently my wishing of him coming early is not going to happen. Although now I am looking forward to getting to see Harry Potter this week, but after that, he can feel free to come any day! I am officially working from home and waiting for the little guy.
Baby's first playlist
Awhile back, Brian and I decided to let the baby listen to some music while in the womb. It was a couple of months ago, but I was meaning to post it so I have some kind of record of it for my own memory. I use this blog for my own benefit to so I can remember what I did this past year. Later, he also got to enjoy some Chopin (my favorite pianist) and Jimi Hendrix too.
*1. Postal Service - The district sleeps tonight
2. Primus - My name is mud
3. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
4. Ben Harper - Burn one down
*5. Justin Timberlake - Sexy back
6. Weezer - Island in the sun
*7. Tom Petty - Running down a dream
8. Killers - Somebody told me
9. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
10. Scissor Sisters - Filthy/Gorgeous
* means the baby moved during the song. So he either hates or loves the Postal Service, JT, and Tom Petty. We are hoping to encourage a musically talented kid since we both tried and failed.
*1. Postal Service - The district sleeps tonight
2. Primus - My name is mud
3. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
4. Ben Harper - Burn one down
*5. Justin Timberlake - Sexy back
6. Weezer - Island in the sun
*7. Tom Petty - Running down a dream
8. Killers - Somebody told me
9. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
10. Scissor Sisters - Filthy/Gorgeous
* means the baby moved during the song. So he either hates or loves the Postal Service, JT, and Tom Petty. We are hoping to encourage a musically talented kid since we both tried and failed.
Kutna Hora with Sunayana and Archana
Sunayana and Archana came to visit us a couple of weeks ago. It was great to have some friends visiting for the week and I got to get my chat on. I was 3 weeks away from my due date but managed to get out and do some sightseeing with them. We went on a day trip to Kutna Hora, a small town about an hour outside of Prague that is famous for the Sedlec Ossuary (commonly called the bone church) and St. Barbara's cathedral.
I also keep meaning to post pics from our trip to Rome and Brian's trip to Amsterdam from May. But I am lazy and that will have to wait because there are a ton of pics from those trips to sort through.
Kostnice Ossuary - contains the remains of a total of 40,000 people (mainly from the plague in the 14th century). There are 4 corners of the above 'bell' which is where most of the bones are in the chapel. The majority of the bone designs are from a wood carver, Frantisek Rint, who did most of the artwork in 1870.
You have to take a cute couple pic underneath the bone chandelier which contains all the bones of a human body.
St Barbara's Cathedral is a Baroque style cathedral founded in 1338. We only toured the outside (cause we are cheap), but it was amazing, with incredible detail and gargoyles all around the exterior.
Archana strapping Brian in for the train ride home.
I think when he was little his mom used the child leash.
I also keep meaning to post pics from our trip to Rome and Brian's trip to Amsterdam from May. But I am lazy and that will have to wait because there are a ton of pics from those trips to sort through.
I think when he was little his mom used the child leash.
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